Enabling Grace
Focal Scripture(s): Matthew 19:26; John 1:17; Matthew 6:31-34
One of the Greatest attributes in the Kingdom of God is Grace. The enablement to do the impossible or that which seems difficult. What is Grace? There are many teachings and many in "authority on the subject" so to speak in length isn't feasible. I will share a nugget given to me by the Spirit of God. That is Grace coupled with Truth is the Battering Ram in all issues of Life. What does that mean? As we receive the Lord, we are given the ability to overcome and receive at the same time.This is called Enabling Grace. Yet we don't walk in Enabling Grace. So Who or What is it? It is the supernatural consistent empowerment of Jesus Christ given to us daily for every circumstance and situation of Life. Our lives will not be perfect as many think it should be as believers. We will endure hardships and pains. But when Enabling Grace becomes our vision pertaining to our issues of life, our decisions take on another view to enable us to live abundantly . We will see them through the Eyes of Christ, the Enabler in all things.
Enabling Grace grows as we begin to walk In Christ in our thoughts, and our actions. We will find that which seemed impossible is now possible In Christ Jesus. Enabling Grace is the Awakening Power of Jesus Christ by the Father through the Holy Spirit. This Awakening Power is to every believer to walk in the Supernatural (that which seems out of reach made accessible through Grace.)
So today, step in Enabling Grace of God given to us for everyday. Take no thought for tomorrow. Because the enablement for that Day is found in That Day.