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To know goes beyond intellect. It goes beyond memorization or constant reciting to keep at one’s reach. Knowing first begins or takes shape when you choose to lay aside your own perceptions of how to “know”. Perceptions are stemmed from your emotions within the soul. So, unless your soul has been completely transformed into the Ways of the Son, you cannot trust your perceptions.

Knowing is the inward awakening of your spirit’s ability to clearly see and exist in the realm of the Spirit where truth abides. Knowing is expanded within you as you pursue truth with consistent fervency. This pursuing is not to be measured by what we call reality, or what we can see, touch and feel. That “reality” is mirrored from the reflections of your perceptions within your soul. To know is the Power of the Spirit of God awakening your spirit to the Reality of Heaven within you (His earthen vessel). It is this knowing that births you into dimensional realms or what is also known as the Beauty Realm of God. These dimensional realms release different frequencies based on the depth of the unveiling of the Father’s Beauty Realm you are being awakened to. With each posture of revelation, you are positioned into a deeper frequency of authority. It is vital to understand that not all authority is the same. You receive authority according to the depth of your “Knowing”. This authority is unveiled in a perpetual walk with Christ. This walk becomes greatly apparent through and to the level of your “Yes” (the posture of your heart before the Lord), and the releasing the vision and frequency of this world, and all that attracts you to it. Knowing is the Mind of Christ at work with you, bringing forth the treasures that have been buried within you since the foundation of the world.

Can you say you are walking in such an awakening? Not many are. For you have been trained (indoctrinated) in church etiquette instead of Kingdom Existence In Christ. Within the “trained posture” you are taught to trust your “knower “, which unless you are trained by the Finger of God, your “knower” will be connected to your emotions and past knowledge. This “knower” is your perception of a thing which we discussed earlier as the mirror of your soul.

Knowing by the Spirit is walking day by day with the Mind of Pursuit to the “That I May Know Him.” This was the heart and mind pursuit of Paul with all his pedigrees. He laid all things down and considered all his accomplishments empty and fruitless, so that he may attain (know intimately, without wavering) the All of God. In His pursuit, he declared that all that he had accomplished was rubbish. Why? He let go of His perception of what is “knowing” and was awakened to the Kingdom meaning of Knowing. Within his pursuit there was a constant releasing of what is deemed in this world to be of any substance. In doing so his thirst was “To Be Found IN HIM.”

Knowing takes you out of your needs to His desire and pleasure to be In Him. To Be Found IN HIM doesn’t mean you visit Him when things get tough. It doesn’t mean you memorize the scripture(s) associated with Paul’s declaration, and by osmosis you shall Find HIM. Nor is it to cloak oneself under the “Christianese verbiage” of being satisfied in “where you are In the Lord” because pursing any further will “hurt or cost too much.”

Knowing requires you to rid the facades of pursuit. The Lord says in His word, “Their mouth speaks of me, but their hearts are far from me.” That is what I mean by facades of pursuit, the constant speaking of but not yielding and obeying. These inconsistencies of desire spring up when your eye gate is caught up in the heartbeat/frequency of this world. You will be able to locate yourself in one of these postures by what you may say. I have been so busy running…if it’s not my job demanding, it’s my children, my church, I have a lot of ministry assignments, my husband, my wife. All of these and there are many more, if you are not watchful will begin to move you from the posture of true pursuit. These venues of “pursuit” results in only visiting the Lord, not pursuing (developing a habitation for Him.)

Knowing as Paul is speaking of, and as I have been awakened to will enable you to see beyond the cost and truly say, “I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish.” Only then can you truly awakened to Knowing in the Spirit Realm of True Reality. This is only available with Diligent Pursuing. Diligent Pursuits births the ability to see. It is a supernatural enablement that removes the veil from your spirit man and “now” you are able to see the threshold within us that connects us to the Frequency of Knowing. Yes, Knowing has a Frequency (a vibrational pull) to move into its sound. It is this frequency that the Father is Vibrating and Living In. This frequency requires the mind to submit to the Spirit of God on an ongoing daily basis.

Knowing is one of the Hidden Keys within the Kingdom existence of the believer. In Knowing you do not toil and hustle to do. You Rest and move in the frequency of Being Found IN HIM. This Key awakens your spirit to true Kingdom Authority. This authority will cause the earth to cry out to be redeemed by the Touch of the Sons of God.

In order to truly possess this hidden key, you must be awakened to the difference between Being which stems from the authority within the vessel that is walking in the Power of Knowing. Then there is Doing, which most Christians today and in the past associate ministry with and “doing Kingdom Ministry or doing Kingdom”. Doing is birthed out of the soul. It is activated by the soul’s design under the disguise of “the ways of the spirit.” Doing ignites you to perform and do things (meetings, conferences, etc.); without the Authority of the Kingdom’s insignia on the vessel(s). Doing is fueled by religiosity, and is woven within the fibers of “Christian traditions and traditions of the elders.”

Please know that I am not bashing or speaking ill of the Body of Christ, of which I am a part of His body. I am coming against the infrastructure of the Pharisaic, Sadducee mindset. These two have partnered with each other within the Body of Christ and built a fortress of Babylon. This is a strategic ploy of the Kingdom of Darkness. If he can cloak a people into form and outward signs of activity without truly being transparent to the Father, then the “Church” will continue to be ineffective. This ploy can only be exposed when we as a people come to the Lord in true humility, regardless of your position and bow your heart before Him and allow the purifying of your soul to truly begin. You will know when your heart has come to the threshold of change. Your cry will be the same as Isaiah in Isaiah 6.

“In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. 3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. 4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. 5 Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts. 6 Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: 7 And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged. 8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”

True Transparency will cause the Fire of Purpose to ignite within, and it will draw the flames of purity as the Holy Spirit is peeling away from within our inner man the emptiness of doing and the redundancy of empty pursuits. The outcome of such a microscopic transfusion and surgery is the Oneness that comes out of it. The oneness of purpose, the oneness of vision, the oneness of actions, and to be One again IN HIM as we were before the Foundation of the World. This ever-expanding oneness will continue until the Father calls His Breath in you back to Himself. So, I ask you to do an introspective examination of yourself daily. Are you yielding, are you obeying, are you living a non-compromising life. I’m not saying that you are dotting every “I” and crossing every “T”, but is the posture of your heart bowed in humble submission every day, all day. If not, now is the time to answer His call to you to come unto Him, and He will resurrect you into the Newness of Life that is only found IN HIM. The outcome of this pursuit within yourself will cause a flame to be kindled within those who have like-minded desire, and together the oneness of Him in each of you will spread the Power of Knowing throughout the earth.

When The Father Comes to your Door (Heart) will He see Himself or Another..........Selah?

Focal Scripture: Philippians 3:7-15

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