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True Treasure

In this world there is a continual pull to pursue things, and so you begin small as a child, and as you grow into adulthood so does your hunger. They begin to shape into passions, thirsts, and drives, all fueled by our desire to “have.” Unfortunately, the society that we live in has taught us to thirst (thrive) after things (treasures) all of which cannot satisfy, The more you fill your eye gate with things, the greater your soul is fueled in the drive and passionate pursuit of what you believe you must have (the Things). You can continue this pattern of thinking it even to the extent of great loss in other areas of your life. This loss is seen in your marriage, your relationships, your home, even you career or job. However, as believers our vision must undergo a paradigm shift. Within this shift, your passions shift as well. You will progressively find your eyes and pursuit turn to the King and His Kingdom. As you shift your eyes to thirst after the unseen things the Light of the Father’s Kingdom will begin to fill your inner being, thus enabling you to relinquish your hold on the thriving mechanism that has led you completely off course in the things that are useful.

An example of what I mean. There was a person her name was “Emily” she was a very smart, witty, and attractive woman. She was in a career that she kind of fell into. That is because she was a person who could quickly adjust her expertise to any career path she chose to enter into. She was recently separated and was “rediscovering herself.” She now was “single” again. Her mind now had to shift to a single person when for years she was in the “wife mindset.” As time progressed she shifted into the flow of life, and she took a look at herself. She wanted a change. So, she moved into a beautiful brownstone in downtown Brooklyn, NY. Shortly after she found she needed change again, so she decorated her home to reflect her new life and change. Each room had a theme, she spent thousands of dollars on this “Change”. Once she completed it she looked around and she was pleased. However, shortly after she decided she needed to change, so she went into her closets and looked at her clothing and systemically began to replace everything her spring and summer wardrobe first, then the winter and fall. Again, thousands of dollars spent. Now, may I tell you she was a believing Christian, very active in the church, but thriving for things not satisfied. Because of her love for the Father, when she looked around and still was not “satisfied” she turned and looked up, but to look up correctly she took a look inwardly. It was after she looked inwardly did she find her need for change was the Holy Spirit calling her Up into Him. The desire to change was a call for her to shift her desires from exterior fulfillment which always left her wanting and thriving and pursuing the next change. To a life shift first inwardly, as the Hand of God enables you to reposition your heart’s passion from earthly treasures to the True Treasures.

There a many “Emily’s” in the Body of Christ. Thriving to be what they see outwardly, but neglecting that beauty of who they truly are from the perspective of the Father’s Eyes. His vision releases within us the “True Hidden Treasure” that he has placed deep within each of us. If you find yourself doing similar things as “Emily”, take a look at your life, are you pursuing and thriving and shifting from one posture of pursuit to another and still find yourself wanting. Then that is a clear sign that you have an infrastructure shift that the Father’s Hand is waiting to put into position for you to walk in and live from. It’s in this true pursuit that all that is real becomes your pursuit in life.

Now Emily embraced that infrastructural shift from the Father’s Hand, and she began to walk in this new posture of existence. No longer thriving to be something or reflect the vision of earthly passions. She is now Walking in what has been within her all along the True Treasure of Heaven. For the Father awaken her to the Hidden Treasure that He placed within her earthen vessel before the foundation of the world. Now, she knows who she is and what her purpose is. No more thriving and thirsting after things. She has a confident resolve within her being that she is loved and accepted in the Beloved. For His love has cleared the fog of the world’s vision and her vision and pursuit is within the Bosom of the Father. Pursuing the Heartbeat of Heaven to release into the Earth.

So, I leave you with this jewel of wisdom: The eternal pursuits are greater in quality than the drive of the things that fuel your earthly thirsts. True Success is not measured by the multitude of our possessions and large quantities of food and dainties, but is seen by the depth of one’s character that bears the insignia of the Son of God (Jesus Christ). He is our True Treasure.

So today, turn your eyes toward Jesus, the Giver of Life and Light, and all these “other things” shall be added unto you….

Proverbs 23:4-5; Matthew 6:19-23; 2 Cor. 4:18

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