The Abiding Love
The Abiding Love of God draws. The Abiding Love caresses the pains of life and the fears of the uncertainties of life away. In His Love you are strengthened and empowered to Love. Empowered to forgive, and empowered to see as He sees. When you are covered by the Love of God there is a unwavering flow of intense love and passion for Him that radiates from the your heart that Produces a Habitation for God.
The Abiding Love of God removes the sting of hurts, loss and regrets. His Love then fills the chambers of your heart that held these stings and thorns with a continual flow of Love that covers and realigns the walls of these chambers. These chambers within the heart had be distorted and weaken by the stings and thorns of life, which continually press into the walls of your heart causing you to bleed out unknowingly.
But, as you purposefully cry out to the Lord to be a habitation for Him, His Abiding Love will ever so lovingly remove the stings of pain, and the thorns of those deep rooted regrets and hurts. His Abiding Love pours the Oil of His Love on every wound, every word, every vision of pain, rejection and hurt. This Oil of His Love produces within your heart the ability to forgive as well as forget. If you only forgive and not forget, you are still holding that pain in the chamber called "Never Again." This chamber will hinder the true healing of God to flow throughout your being. So to forget means releasing the person, the words, the acts, and the vision of it (which is the at will internal recording of the thing.) Forgetting and Forgiving releases the Balm of Healing. The Balm of Healing then reveals to you the ability within His Love that enables you to completely Release All.
The Balm Of Healing releases the hurt, releases the regrets, releases the words, releases the acts, Releases, releases releases. The Balm Of Healing coupled with The Oil of Forgiveness fills every entryway where wounds have been reminding you of your past failures and pain. They supernaturally heal the hardened wounds of words and self induced sutures that have produced self-protection within the soul. These two together erase the torment of who you were in your mind. The weight of regrets are lifted. The stings of the past are forgotten, and the memories of loss and pain are healed.
As the Abiding Love of God becomes a reality to your heart, the weights and pains and the regrets are removed. You can now with the greatest of passion step into the Abiding Love of the Father, and surrender to Him.
The loving arms of a Loving Father continually draws you up and into Himself. As you posture your heart to rest in His hands you will know the deeper embrace of His Abiding Love. You then will without reserve respond to this Great Love in a yielded and surrendered posture unto His Way. From this new position before the Father you then begin to walk in a greater depth of commitment, and a everlasting, ever-flowing Love of the Father within you being.
It is from this place that you will be made ready by the Hand of the Father through the Spirit of Grace to reach a people that are crying out for a true manifestation of Love. A real unsullied Love. A Love that does not come with stipulations or conditions.
So Embrace, Surrender, Commit, and Be Totally Consumed By the Unending Flow of the Abiding Love of the Father.
Be refreshed in His Love, Trust in His Love, Abide in The Love of the Father.
Drink Deeply from the River of His Abiding Love. Soak Deeply In His Love ....Be Immersed In His Abiding Love....
"My Deep Calls unto Your Deep....My Love, My God, My Passion, My Desire... I Soak Deeply, I Soar up into you Abiding Love for You are My Love...My Love... How Great is Your Abiding Love....My Love, My Father...YourAbiding Love........